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CHLI Health Care Facilities Talk
Corporate Wellness Invitation
Written by CHLI in California
November 5, 2009 10:59:20 AM in Medical and Fitness | Health Care Facilities | California
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For those that constantly find themselves working from dawn to midnight, physical exhaustion and mental frustration can easily cause their immune system to weaken and rob their of their health.  If this sounds familiar, the staff at California Health and Longevity Institute can help.  CHLI offers various Corporate Health programs, designed specifically for executives who need a break from their busy schedules in order to pencil-in some rest and relaxation time.
With programs like the Corporate Leadership Performance, Executive Health Immersion, and Executive Comprehensive Physicals, CHLI teaches top-level management teams how to care for their bodies and remain healthy in a fast-paced work environment.  Executives can engage in private meetings about their health status, participate in group activities related to health matters, and learn how to incorporate what their learn in their corporate lives. 
For additional information regarding CHLI’s Corporate Wellness Programs, visit www.chli.com.